We do not find it stated that all kinds of fishes are subject to epizoötic diseases,[1] like other animals of a wild nature: but it is evidently the fact that individuals[2] among them are attacked by maladies, from the emaciated appearance that many present, while at the same moment others of the same species are taken quite remarkable for their fatness.

1. Nosh/mata loimw/dh, as Aristotle, Hist. Anim. B. viii. c. 25, calls them.

2. Cuvier says, that there are some maladies by which individuals are attacked; but that it is not uncommonly the case that certain species are attacked universally, as it were, by a sort of epidemic. There was an instance of this, he says, in the lake of the valley of Montmorency, where numbers of the fish were suddenly to be seen floating dead on the surface, the skin of which was covered with red spots, while at the same time their flesh had become disagreeable to the taste, and unwholesome.